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‘Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

May Allah accept our deeds. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin!

Baking in Aluminum Foils – A Food Safety Hazard?

There was one thing that I was particularly obsessed about when we eventually decided to roll out our business. Aluminium contamination. The concern was out[…]

All That Leftover Meat, A Shepherd’s Pie We’ll Eat

Today, we’ll be making one of our favorites – the classic Shepherd’s Pie. Sources reveal that Shepherd’s Pie originated in the United Kingdom and Ireland[…]

Our Prayers for Al-Aqsa, Palestine

Following the news of the relentless attacks on our brothers and sisters at Al-Aqsa mosque, we are compelled to declare our disgust for the cowardly[…]

‘Halal’ Food is Not Just About ‘No Pork’ (Part 1)

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem.  May this piece of writing be a guide to knowing what is halal food. In all my insufficiencies, I hope that by the end[…]

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